Correct Answer: center
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Google Maps-API And Development Skill Assessment
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In the syntax to load the JavaScript Google Maps API, what does the parameter "sensor=true" indicate?
For best map display on mobile devices, set the width and height of the <div> that contains the map to:
What overlay object can be used to contain information HTML content?
The Google Maps API for which of the following platforms is deprecated?
How do you add a click event listener to a google map?
What class allows users to draw overlays on the map themselves?
True or False: Direction results from Toronto, Ontario to Milwaukee, Wisconsin will be displayed in miles by default.
Which object should you use to specify that you want to add controls to a map?
What property of MarkerOptions defines the rollover text for a marker?
Which map pane should you add an OverlayView to if you want it to respond to click events?