Which of the following accounts is NOT an expense?
Correct Answer: Dividends Declared
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General Financial Accounting Skill Assessment
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______ refers to shares originally issued and outstanding that have been reacquired from the owners.
The estimated and unpaid liability for current income taxes is called ______________.
The cumulative amount of net income in excess of dividends declared that has been earned by a business since its inception is called ___________________.
From the following list of accounts and account balances, determine the amount that would be properly classified as Property, Plant, & Equipment. $100,000 - Land Used in Business $60,000 - Machinery Leased from Others ($80,000) - Accumulated Depreciation $140,000 - Inventories $40,000 - Land Held for Future Plant Site $200,000 - Building $50,000 - Investment in Stock of Construction Company
On December 31 of Year 1, XYZ Company reported total shareholders' equity of $225,000, of which $180,000 represented contributed capital. If revenues, expenses, and dividends during Year 2 were $500,000, $420,000, and $30,000 respectively - and the total shareholders' equity is $290,000 on December 31 of Year 2 - how much additional capital was contributed by shareholders?
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Stocks and bonds that can be readily converted into cash are called _____________.