MCQs > Finance & Management > Excel > Given an Excel spreadsheet: A B C D E ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ID Lastname First name Role Birth Date 1 | 101, Davis, Sara, Sales Rep, 12/08/1968 2 | 102, Fontana, Olivier, VP Sales, 12/19/1952 3 | 103, Leal, Karina, Sales Rep, 08/30/1963 You want to find the first name of the person with the lastname = 'Fontana'

Excel MCQs

Given an Excel spreadsheet: A B C D E ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ID Lastname First name Role Birth Date 1 | 101, Davis, Sara, Sales Rep, 12/08/1968 2 | 102, Fontana, Olivier, VP Sales, 12/19/1952 3 | 103, Leal, Karina, Sales Rep, 08/30/1963 You want to find the first name of the person with the lastname = "Fontana"


Correct Answer: =VLOOKUP("Fontana",B2:E7,2,FALSE)


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Excel Skill Assessment

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