Correct Answer: By using Java Database Connectivity
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An online shop employs a stateless session bean (named 'Eshop') to process the requests. 'Eshop' uses a declarative transaction management system. The following code is from the xml deployment descriptor file of the bean: 1. <ejb-jar>2. <enterprise-beans>3. <session>4. <ejb-name>Eshop</ejb-name>5. <home>com.solution.EshopHome</home>6. <remote>com.solution.Eshop</remote>7. <local-home>com.solution.EshopLocalHome</local-home>8. <local>com.solution.EshopLocal</local>9. <ejb-class>com.solution.EshopBean</ejb-class>10.11.12. </session>13. </enterprise-beans>14. </ejb-jar>The session and transaction attributes are to be coded in the lines numbered 10 and 11. Which of the following options should be used to make the bean work as expected?
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When injection is not available, what is the alternative?
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