1. When we create dijits programatically rather than declaratively we must ensure to?
2. How do we access a dijit's properties?
3. dojo/on is
4. What is the _WidgetBase lifecycle?
5. What does setting parseOnLoad to true do?
6. Which Dojo module is used to make Ajax requests?
7. Which Dijit widget should be used to validate a telephone number? In this case a telephone number is defined as a string up to 16 characters, including digits, parentheses, dashes, periods, spaces and an upper or lower case x.
8. To create a table with an Ajax interface to a server, you can use
9. DojoX is
10. What function handles the call back feature?
11. In this code: require(["dojo/request"], function(request){ request("example.json", { handleAs: "json"}).then(function(data){ // Do something }) }); data is
12. To create a Dijit button widget, what module must be used?
13. What is dojo/store?
14. How do you import a module? (in this case dojo/query)
15. What does the dojo/_base/declare module contain?
16. Which code loads the dijit/form/Button module and waits until HTML has been loaded and processed?
17. What are the main packages of Dojo?
18. What does Dojo Util provide?
19. What are the two ways to add Dijit widgets?
20. How do you load Dojo on your HTML page?
21. What is a dijit?
22. What does Dojo Dijit provide?
23. What is JSON?
24. What does dom.byId() return?
25. What does dojo DojoX handle?
26. When should you use a built version of Dojo?
27. What server-side technology can Dojo work with?
28. lang.replace("title/{home}/{page}", {home: "dojo", page:""}) produces what result?
29. When does the function in require(["dojo/domReady!"], function() {}); execute?
30. What is one way to add a click handler to a button?
31. How is JSON-P different than JSON?
32. What does dojo/hash provide?
33. What does registry.byId() return?
34. Which module provides enhancements to native Array functions which may not be available?
35. The annotation data-dojo-attach-point='foo' allows us to do what?
36. How do you use dojo/query to get all elements with class "foo"?
37. What do compliant async functions return?
38. Why should you place the script tag that loads Dojo at the end of the document body?
39. AMD is an acronym for
40. Is there a CDN for Dojo?
41. What does lang.getObject("foo.bar") return?
42. How do you bind a function to response to UI events?
43. What does lang.hitch() do?
44. What does dojo/has do?
45. How does a function and it's call back behave?
46. What is dojo/domReady! ?
47. What is dojo/when used for?
48. How do I query a store using complex criteria (month > 10)?
49. What do dijits not offer?
50. How do we define an internationalisation nls file? (denoted NLSFILE)
51. How should Dijit widgets be styled?
52. When invoking lang.mixin(y, x) what happens?
53. What does AMD provide?
54. What is the difference between a dijit/form/FilteringSelect and a dijit/form/ComboBox?
55. The build process compiles the Dojo JavaScript into Java for distribution.