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More DB2 Programming MCQ Questions
What are the maximum number of tables that can be joined in DB2
What happens to SQL statements if there are no stored procedures?
Which of the following is correct SQLJ syntax?
Given the following DDL statements: CREATE TABLE Smart1 (a INT, b INT, c INT) CREATE VIEW View1 AS SELECT a,b,c FROM Smart1 WHERE a > 250 WITH CHECK OPTION Which of the following INSERT is correct
SQLSTATE is a standard set of error messages and warnings in which the first two characters defines the class and the last three defines the subclass of the error. Which of the following SQLSTATE codes is interpreted as 'No data returned'?
In what catalog table must stored procedures be defined?
Which is a correct syntactical example of written SQL code?
What is an example of an underlying cause for regressions caused by changes in DB2?
When should we execute a REBIND rather than a BIND