MCQs > IT & Programming > CSS > What will the following code produce? @font-face { Font-family: 'DejaVu Sans'; src: url('fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf'); } @font-face { Font-family: 'DejaVu Sans'; Src: url('fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf'); Font-weight: bold; } @font-face { Font-family: 'Dejavu Sans'; Src: url('fonts/dejaVuSans-Oblique.ttf'); Font-style: italic, oblique; } @font-face { Font-family: 'DejaVu Sans'; Src: url('fonts/DejaVuSans-bold0bliqu.ttf'); Font-weight: bold; Font-style: italic, oblique; }


What will the following code produce?

@font-face {

Font-family: “DejaVu Sans”;

src: url(“fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf”);


@font-face {

Font-family: “DejaVu Sans”;

Src: url(“fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf”);

Font-weight: bold;


@font-face {

Font-family: “Dejavu Sans”;

Src: url(“fonts/dejaVuSans-Oblique.ttf”);

Font-style: italic, oblique;


@font-face {

Font-family: “DejaVu Sans”;

Src: url(“fonts/DejaVuSans-bold0bliqu.ttf”);

Font-weight: bold;

Font-style: italic, oblique;



Correct Answer: Multiple @font-face rules added.


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CSS Skill Assessment

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