<ArchiveWorkspaceResult&am, 2.<soap:Body>
    <ArchiveWorkspaceResponse xmlns="ConceptShare.API">
      <ArchiveWorkspaceResult&am, 3.<soap12:Body>
    <ArchiveWorkspaceResponse xmlns="ConceptShare.API">
      <ArchiveWorkspaceResult&, 4.<soap12:Body>
    <ArchiveWorkspaceResponse xmlns="ConceptShare.API">
MCQs > Softwares & Applications > ConceptShare (Online Proofing Software) > When you send a SOAP 1.1 request using the ArchiveWorkspace API as shown below, what will the SOAP 1.1 response be? int

ConceptShare (Online Proofing Software) MCQs

When you send a SOAP 1.1 request using the ArchiveWorkspace API as shown below, what will the SOAP 1.1 response be?



Correct Answer: <soap:Body>
    <ArchiveWorkspaceResponse xmlns="ConceptShare.API">


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