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Communication (Interpersonal) Skill Assessment
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Deserter, dominator, recognition seeker, and aggressor are all examples of __________.
A cell phone ringing in the middle of class is an example of ________.
One professional technique to let out your frustration about a work situation is to ______.
Stonewalling sends a(n) __________ message to the other person.
The maxim of __________ refers to praising someone or complimenting the person in some way.
Intercultural communication apprehension is a A fear or anxiety pertaining to communication with people from different cultural backgrounds.
Interactional model of communication is a characterization of communication as a two-way process in which a message is sent from sender to receiver and from receiver to sender.
_______ is a type of context in which messages are understood in relationship to previously sent messages.
An ethical system, articulated by Aristotle, proposing that a person’s moral virtue stands between two vices, with the middle, or the mean, being the foundation for a rational society is a golden mean
The influence of a person’s culture, past experiences, personal history, and heredity on the communication process is called