MCQs > Design & Multimedia > Camtasia >

Suppose you are ready with your video to Produce and Share in Camtasia and you select MP4/FLV/SWF option under Custom production settings. You decide to enter custom dimensions for the Flash Video and set the TOC width to 2 (marked as A in the image). Which of the following statements will be true regarding the above scenario?

Camtasia MCQs

Suppose you are ready with your video to Produce and Share in Camtasia and you select MP4/FLV/SWF option under Custom production settings. You decide to enter custom dimensions for the Flash Video and set the TOC width to 2 (marked as A in the image). Which of the following statements will be true regarding the above scenario?


Correct Answer:

The TOC width will be reset to 160 automatically before producing and sharing the video.    


Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

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