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. Low price of a good generally keeps its price elasticity of demand as -------------
in the case of inferior goods, the income elasticity of demand is -----------------
when as a result of increase in price of goods, total expenditure made on goods falls, price elasticity of demand is ------- than unity.
---------------- is the scientific and analytical estimation of demand for a product for a particular period of time
--------------- refers to the opinion of the buyers, sales force to have the knowledge of emerging trend in market demand.
Money functions as a _______________ when it is used to make purchases.
Making a decision at the margin is possible only in situations where _____.
If the ___________ for automobiles is __________ then automobiles are an inferior good .
If people decide to purchase more at every price level, __________ (shift right) will result.
If marginal cost equals price, then _____ is at a maximum.