Musical Acoustics MCQ

A ___________ sign is used in musical notation to cancel a previous sharp or flat sign.


Correct Answer: Natural

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The first commercially successful tin pan alley song was written in ___.


Correct Answer: 1892

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What does the word "quintet" mean?


Correct Answer: Five performers or a piece of music for five performers

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What is a quartet?


Correct Answer: Four performers or a piece of music for four performers

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What does "piano" mean in Italian?


Correct Answer: "soft"

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What is the Italian dynamic marking for "soft"?


Correct Answer: Piano

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What does the Italian musical term "pianissimo" mean?


Correct Answer: "very soft"

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What is the purpose of phrase marks in music?


Correct Answer: To help interpret the natural flow of the music.

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What does the phrase "a musical thought or sentence" mean?


Correct Answer: A musical thought or sentence

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Which of the following is NOT a member of the percussion family?


Correct Answer: Piano

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What is the percussion family?


Correct Answer: Instruments that make sound when struck, shaken, or scraped.

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What is a pentatonic scale?


Correct Answer: A five-tone scale

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What is an orchestra?


Correct Answer: A performance group of diverse instruments

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What is an oratorio?


Correct Answer: A religious opera without stage action or costumes

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What is opera?


Correct Answer: Musical stage drama that generally is sung throughout.

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What is the definition of opera?


Correct Answer: Musical stage drama that generally is sung throughout

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What does octet mean?


Correct Answer: Eight performers or a piece for eight performers

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What does the term "octave" refer to?


Correct Answer: The distance between notes of the same letter name, eight notes higher or lower

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How many notes are there between notes of the same letter name?


Correct Answer: Eight

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How many counts does a quarter note receive?


Correct Answer: 1

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When 4 is the bottom number of the meter signature, how many counts does a whole note receive?


Correct Answer: 4

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What is notation?


Correct Answer: The representation of musical tones by written characters

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What is the definition of notation?


Correct Answer: The representation of musical tones by written characters.

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What does the word "nocturne" mean?


Correct Answer: "night piece"

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What is a natural note?


Correct Answer: A musical note that is neither sharpened nor flattened

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What does a natural note mean in music?


Correct Answer: A natural note is one that is neither sharpened nor flattened.

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What is a melodic motif?


Correct Answer: A short musical phrase used in development or imitation

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What is a measure?


Correct Answer: A rythmic grouping or metrical unit that contains a fixed number of beats.

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What is a march?


Correct Answer: A type of military music for marching to.

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How many half-steps are in a major scale?


Correct Answer: 2

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What is the formula for a major scale?


Correct Answer: An ascending pattern of two whole steps, one half-step, three whole steps, one half-step.

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What is a major scale?


Correct Answer: A scale with intervals of 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1

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What is a "major" in music?


Correct Answer: Tonality based on a major scale

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What is a libretto?


Correct Answer: The words of a piece of music

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What does the Italian tempo marking "lento" mean?


Correct Answer: Slow

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What does a ledger line represent?


Correct Answer: A short line added above or below the normal staff lines to indicate notes of extra-high or -low pitch.

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What is a ledger line?


Correct Answer: A short line added above or below normal staff lines to indicate notes of extra-high or -low pitch.

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What does the Italian term "legato" describe?


Correct Answer: A smooth and connected manner of playing with a flowing effect

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What is the Italian term for describing a manner of playing that is smooth and connected and has a flowing effect?


Correct Answer: Legato

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What is the Italian tempo marking for slow, broad, and stately?


Correct Answer: Largo

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What is the key?


Correct Answer: The basic scale and tonality of a composition.

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What is jazz characterized by?


Correct Answer: Strong, syncopated rhythms, particular chords and harmonic structures, and a large amount of improvisation.

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What is the main characteristic of Jazz music?


Correct Answer: Strong, syncopated rhythms

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What is the main purpose of an introduction?


Correct Answer: To prepare for the main part of the piece

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What is the interval between any two pitches and/or notes called?


Correct Answer: Interval

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What does the word "instrumental" mean?


Correct Answer: Using instruments only, with no words.

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What does instrumental mean?


Correct Answer: Using instruments only, with no words

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How many instrument families are there in an orchestra?


Correct Answer: 4

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What does it mean to improvise?


Correct Answer: To create music spontaneously.

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What is the definition for home tone?


Correct Answer: The first or key tone of any scale

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What is harmony?


Correct Answer: An element of music concerned with combining notes and parts simultaneously

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What is the definition of harmony?


Correct Answer: An element of music concerned with combining notes and parts simultaneously.

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What is the hammer dulcimer?


Correct Answer: Trapezoidal box instrument with more than 100 strings, played by striking strings with small mallets.

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Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a hammer dulcimer?


Correct Answer: Trapezoidal box instrument

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What is hambone?


Correct Answer: Using body percussion to make music.

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What is the smallest distance between two pitches called?


Correct Answer: Half-step

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What is a grand staff?


Correct Answer: A staff that includes the treble and bass staves and the ledger lines between.

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What are the four strings attached to the long stick of a gourd banjo?


Correct Answer: Strings

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What is gospel music?


Correct Answer: Religious style of music

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What is the definition of genre?


Correct Answer: A type or category of music

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Which of the following is NOT a music genre?


Correct Answer: Work song

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What is the origin of the gavotte?


Correct Answer: French peasant

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What is the Italian dynamic term for "loud?"


Correct Answer: Forte

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What does the Italian dynamic term "forte" mean?


Correct Answer: "loud"

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What is the meaning of "form" in music?


Correct Answer: The overall structural organization of a musical composition

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What is the term for the overall structural organization of a musical composition?


Correct Answer: Form

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What is the definition of a folk song?


Correct Answer: A song that is handed down from generation to generation.

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What does the term "flat" mean in music?


Correct Answer: A sign indicating that a note should be lowered in pitch by one half-step.

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What does the term "flat" indicate in music?


Correct Answer: A note should be lowered in pitch by one half-step.

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What is a fermata?


Correct Answer: A pause or hold of variable length determined by the performer or conductor.

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What does expression in music mean?


Correct Answer: The meaning, effects, and emotion that make the music come alive.

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What does the expression "the meaning, effects, and emotion that make the music come alive" mean?


Correct Answer: Expression refers to the emotional and interpretive aspects of music.

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What does the French term "etude" mean?


Correct Answer: "study"

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What does the word "ensemble" mean?


Correct Answer: Several performers playing together.

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What is the word for several performers playing together?


Correct Answer: Ensemble

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What does "encore" mean?


Correct Answer: When performers perform another piece at audience request after the end of a performance.

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What does the word "encore" mean?


Correct Answer: "again"

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What is the element of music that has to do with the overall loudness or softness of a piece of music?


Correct Answer: Dynamics

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What are the elements of music?


Correct Answer: Dynamics, form, harmony, melody, texture, timbre, rhythm, tempo.

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What is the definition of dissonance?


Correct Answer: A combination of tones that sounds discordant and unstable, in need of resolution.

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What is the English translation for the Italian musical term "diminuendo"?


Correct Answer: To gradually get softer

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What is the definition of descant?


Correct Answer: A melodic part pitched higher than and concurrent with the melody.

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What is the decrescendo?


Correct Answer: Gradually get softer.

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Decrescendo is an Italian dynamic marking that means...?


Correct Answer: To gradually get softer.

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What does "da capo" mean?


Correct Answer: From the beginning

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What is a chromatic scale?


Correct Answer: A scale consisting of successive half-steps.

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What is chromatic modulation?


Correct Answer: The process of changing from one key to an unrelated key in a composition.

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What is a chord?


Correct Answer: Two or more notes of different pitch sounding together

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What is a canon?


Correct Answer: A type of round in which each part enters in a specific sequence with the same melody.

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What is call and response?


Correct Answer: A song style that follows a simple question/answer pattern in which one singer leads and a group responds.

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What is a cadenza?


Correct Answer: A section of a concerto movement that is reserved for a soloist.

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What is the banjo?


Correct Answer: A plucked instrument with a long guitar-like neck and circular soundtable.

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What is the definition of "band"?


Correct Answer: Any large body of instrumental players

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What is ballet?


Correct Answer: Form of theatrical dance; combination of music and dancing.

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What are ballads?


Correct Answer: Songs that tell stories, many dating back hundreds of years

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What does balance refer to in music?


Correct Answer: The state of equilibrium in which all the component parts of the music create a unified whole.

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What is the range of pitch of an instrument within a particular family of instruments?


Correct Answer: Alto

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What does allegro mean in Italian?


Correct Answer: Vivacious, rapid, fairly fast.

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What is the definition of acoustics?


Correct Answer: The science of sound and how it's produced.

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What is the science of sound and how it's produced called?


Correct Answer: Acoustics

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What does accompaniment mean?


Correct Answer: The subordinate music that supports the principal voice or instrument in a piece of music.

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What is the definition of "accompaniment?"


Correct Answer: The subordinate music that supports the principal voice or instrument in a piece of music

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What does accidental refer to in music?


Correct Answer: The sharpening or flattening of a particular note not indicated in the key signature of a piece

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What does the word "accent" mean?


Correct Answer: Stress, emphasis, force, or loudness given to a sound or tone.

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Which of the following is NOT a definition of the word "accent?"


Correct Answer: A musical symbol used to indicate pitch

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What does the Italian tempo marking accelerando mean?


Correct Answer: To gradually speed up or accelerate

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What does the term 'accelerando' mean in Italian?


Correct Answer: Gradually speed up

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