Measurement of Noise MCQ

What is the name of the 1:1 Octave Band Filter?


Correct Answer: Octave Band LF

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What is the name of the Octave Band that is shown graphically?


Correct Answer: 1:1 Octave Band

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What does the 1:1 Octave Band Filter do?


Correct Answer: It shows the numerical value of noise when an instrument is measuring noise.

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What is Octave Band Leq,t?


Correct Answer: The 1:1 Octave Band Filters shown graphically when an instrument is measuring noise.

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What is the purpose of an Octave Band Filter?


Correct Answer: To measure noise without frequency weighting

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What does Octave Band Leq,1s refer to?


Correct Answer: The 1:1 Octave Band Filters shown numerically without frequency weighting.

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What is the frequency range split into sections called?


Correct Answer: Octave Band Filters

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What is the ratio of an octave?


Correct Answer: 2:1

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What is the interval between two frequencies having a ratio of 2:1 called?


Correct Answer: Octave

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What is occupational hearing loss?


Correct Answer: Hearing loss that occurs when exposure to hazards such as noise occur at work.

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What is the NR of a sound pressure level if it intersects with the ordinate at 1kHz?


Correct Answer: It is numerically equal to the sound pressure level at the intersection with the ordinate at 1kHz.

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What is the NR at the sound pressure level of the intersection with the ordinate at 1Hz?


Correct Answer: Noise rating is numerically equal to the sound pressure level at the intersection with the ordinate at 1Hz.

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How can Noise-Induced Hearing Loss occur?


Correct Answer: Gradually from chronic exposure, or suddenly from a short high-intensity noise

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Which of the following is a cause of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss?


Correct Answer: Exposure to loud sound

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What is Noise-Induced Hearing Loss?


Correct Answer: A hearing impairment that occurs from exposure to loud sound

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What is the full form of NC?


Correct Answer: Noise Criteria

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What does NC stand for in noise criteria?


Correct Answer: Standard spectrum curves

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What is noise floor?


Correct Answer: The self-generated noise of a sound level meter, usually due to the microphone or pre-amplifier.

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What is noise?


Correct Answer: Sound which is not desired by the recipient.

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What is the frequency of a free vibration?


Correct Answer: Natural frequency

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What is natural frequency?


Correct Answer: Free vibration

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What are axial modes?


Correct Answer: Room resonance associated with pairs of parallel walls

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What converts acoustic pressure into an electrical signal?


Correct Answer: Microphone capsule

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What causes the maximum absorption to occur in a membrane absorber?


Correct Answer: Superficial weight of the panel

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What does Lmax refer to?


Correct Answer: Maximum noise level during a measurement period or noise event.

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What is the maximum noise level during a measurement period or noise event called?


Correct Answer: Maximum Sound Level

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What is the effect of masking?


Correct Answer: The threshold of audibility of a sound is raised by the presence of another (masking) sound or sounds.

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LAF stands for ______


Correct Answer: Sound Level with A Frequency weighting

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LAFmin stands for:


Correct Answer: The minimum Sound Level with ‘A’ Frequency weighting and Fast Time weighting during the measurement period.

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What does LAFmax stand for?


Correct Answer: The maximum Sound Level with ‘A’ Frequency weighting and Fast Time weighting during the measurement period.

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LAE is an abbreviation for which phrase?


Correct Answer: Sound Exposure Level

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What does L90 represent?


Correct Answer: The noise level exceeded for 90% of the time

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What does the L50 value represent?


Correct Answer: The median of the fluctuating noise levels

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What is the L50 value?


Correct Answer: The level exceeded for 50% of the time.

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What does L10 represent?


Correct Answer: The level exceeded for 10% of the time.

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What does L10 refer to?


Correct Answer: The sound pressure level exceeded for 10% of the time

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What is the full form of ISO?


Correct Answer: International Organization for Standardisation

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What does ISO stand for?


Correct Answer: The International Organization for Standardisation

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What does an Integrating Averaging Sound Level Meter do?


Correct Answer: Accumulates the total sound energy over a measurement period and calculates an equivalent average value

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What is impulse?


Correct Answer: It is a time weighting which determines the 'speed' at which and instrument responds to changing noise levels

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What does IEC stand for?

A: International Electro-technical Commission

B: International Energy Commission

C: Intergovernmental Economic Commission


Correct Answer:

International Electro-technical Commission

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Which of the following is NOT true about IEC standards?


Correct Answer: IEC standards describe the instrument’s performance NOT its method of use.

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A Helmholtz Resonator is named after which German physicist?


Correct Answer: Hermann von Helmholtz

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How does a Helmholtz resonator work?


Correct Answer: A reactive, tuned, sound absorber

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What is the unit of frequency?


Correct Answer: Hertz

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What is the hearing threshold level?


Correct Answer: A measured threshold of hearing, expressed in decibels relative to a specified standard of normal hearing.

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What is hearing loss?


Correct Answer: The decrease of a person's hearing levels below the specified standard of normal hearing.

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How may frequency be expressed?


Correct Answer: Hz, kHz, or MHz

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Free field microphones are designed to do what?


Correct Answer: Compensate for the effect of a standard half-inch microphone

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For which frequencies is a free field microphone designed?


Correct Answer: 1kHz and above

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Which of the following is true about acoustic energy?


Correct Answer: Acoustic energy can be reflected from concave surfaces into a concentrated focus.

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What is the effect of focusing acoustic energy from a concave surface?


Correct Answer: The acoustic energy is reflected into a concentrated focus.

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Flanking occurs when sound energy _____.


Correct Answer: Bypasses a sound barrier at the edges

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By-passing of a sound barrier at the edges is known as _______.


Correct Answer: Flanking

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What does time weighting affect?


Correct Answer: Sound Level, Maximum Sound Level and Minimum Sound Level

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Which of the following is not a time weighting?


Correct Answer: LAFmax

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What is the unit of sound level?


Correct Answer: DB

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What is LEP,d?


Correct Answer: The equivalent sound pressure level for continuous noise over a nominal eight-hour working day

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What is the actual time that an individual is exposed to noise called?


Correct Answer: Exposure Time

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What does "Pa2h" stand for in the context of exposure?


Correct Answer: Pascal Squared Hours

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What is the unit of measurement for exposure?


Correct Answer: Pa2h

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In the UK, what is the LAeq always based on?


Correct Answer: An Exchange Rate (or Q) of 3dB

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What is the UK LAeq based on?


Correct Answer: Exchange Rate (Q) of 3dB

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What does "Estimated dose" refer to?


Correct Answer: The projected noise exposure for an 8 hour time period

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What doesLeq measure?


Correct Answer: The root-mean-square sound pressure during a stated time interval

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What is the more common name for "time-average sound level"?


Correct Answer: LAeqT

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What is the common abbreviation for "Equivalent Continuous Level"?


Correct Answer: Leq

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What does ELC stand for?


Correct Answer: Equal Loudness Contour

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Which of the following is not a property of an echo?


Correct Answer: Reflected sound heard as separate from the initial sound

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What is an Echo?


Correct Answer: The Reflected sound heard as separate from the initial sound, by virtue of the longer reflected sound path.

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What noise limited the range of levels instruments can accurately measure?


Correct Answer: Inherent noise

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What is the dynamic range of an instrument?


Correct Answer: The usable region between the inherent noise at low levels and the overload at high levels, expressed in dB.

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What is a noise dosemeter?


Correct Answer: A portable, wireless, personal noise exposure meter

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What is the cause of diffusion?


Correct Answer: Reflecting surface or surfaces

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What is the definition of Diffusion?


Correct Answer: When reflecting surface or surfaces cause a dispersion of sound in a room, with no directionality of sound waves.

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What is the ability of a sound wave to pass round a screen or barrier called?


Correct Answer: Diffraction

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What is a diaphragm?


Correct Answer: Any surface that vibrates in response to sound or is vibrated to emit sound

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What is the symbol for decibel?


Correct Answer: DB

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Decibel and Bel are which of the following?


Correct Answer: Not units

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What does LEP,d represent?


Correct Answer: Daily Personal Noise Exposure

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What is the 8 hour average level of noise exposure calculated from the percentage dose written as?


Correct Answer: LEP,d or LEX,8h

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What is the process whereby the amplitude of an oscillation of a system is diminished due to thermodynamically or other irreversible processes called?


Correct Answer: Damping

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What is the "metric" that a sound level meter gives when on A-frequency-weighting network?


Correct Answer: DB(A)

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What is the definition of cycle?


Correct Answer: The sequence of changes which takes place during the period of a recurring variable quantity.

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What is the Criterion Time?


Correct Answer: The time over which noise meters calculate exposure and dose values.

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What is the maximum Leq sound level allowed over an 8 hour time period which corresponds to the 100% dose in the UK?


Correct Answer: 85dB

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What is critical frequency?


Correct Answer: Lowest frequency when coincidence occurs

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What does critical frequency refer to?


Correct Answer: Lowest frequency when coincidence occurs.

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IEC 61672 divides sound level meters into which classes?


Correct Answer: 2 classes

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Which of the following is NOT a performance category of a sound level meter?


Correct Answer: Class 1

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What is the condition for a coincidence to occur?


Correct Answer: When the wavelength of the incident sound wave projected onto a surface matches the bending wavelength of that surface.

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What is the difference between the expected calibration level set in the instrument and the level measured by the instrument during calibration?


Correct Answer: The difference is called the calibration offset.

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What is the process of Calibration?


Correct Answer: The process of measuring to determine the accuracy of your measurement chain.

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What is the process of measuring to determine the accuracy of your measurement chain called?


Correct Answer: Calibration

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What is the LCeq-LAeq value?


Correct Answer: The LCeq-LAeq value is the noise level over a measurement period.

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What does LCeq-LAeq refer to?


Correct Answer: The LCeq-LAeq value over a measurement period.

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What does broadband refer to in noise measurements?


Correct Answer: Noise measurements using parameters which include all the audible noise such as dB(A) and dB(C)

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What is the term for noise measurements which include all the audible noise?


Correct Answer: Broadband

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What does the bel unit express?


Correct Answer: The relative magnitudes of two powers

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What is the term for the lower range of audible frequencies?


Correct Answer: Bass

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What does the term "Bass" refer to in music?


Correct Answer: Lower range of audible frequencies

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What are the components of the human hearing system?


Correct Answer: The external ear, the middle ear, the inner ear, the nerve pathways and the brain.

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What is the conventionally accepted audio spectrum perceived by the human ear?


Correct Answer: 20Hz to 20kHz

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For Health and Safety work, what is the spectrum of interest usually quoted?


Correct Answer: 31,5Hz to 8kHz

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What does the word "attenuate" mean?


Correct Answer: To reduce the level of an acoustical signal

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Which organization sets USA standards?


Correct Answer: American National Standards Institute

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What is an anechoic chamber used for?


Correct Answer: Acoustical measurements

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What is the main purpose of an anechoic chamber?


Correct Answer: To suppress internal sound reflections

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The metric most often used in the United Kingdom to describe ambient noise is _____.


Correct Answer: L90

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Which of the following is NOT a unit used to measure ambient noise?


Correct Answer: DB(A)

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What is the main purpose of acoustic treatment?


Correct Answer: To isolate noise or vibration and to correct acoustical faults in spaces

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What does an Acoustic Fingerprint do?


Correct Answer: Allows triggers to be set up to start and stop audio recordings and markers.

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What is an acoustic fingerprint?


Correct Answer: A system that allows triggers to be set up to start and stop audio recordings and markers.

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What is an acoustic calibrator?


Correct Answer: A reference noise source used to calibrate and check the performance of a sound level meter.

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What is the study of sound waves called?


Correct Answer: Acoustics

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What is acoustics?


Correct Answer: The science of sound

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What is the value of the absorption coefficient of a perfect absorber?


Correct Answer: 1

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What is the absorption coefficient?


Correct Answer: The fraction of sound energy that is absorbed at any surface.

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What is absorption?


Correct Answer: The changing of sound energy to heat.

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What did flat weighting indicate?


Correct Answer: That no filter was applied, across a stated frequency range.

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What does flat weighting indicate?


Correct Answer: No filter was applied, across a stated frequency range.

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What is C-Weighting used for?


Correct Answer: Evaluation of equipment sounds

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What does "A" weighting filter do?


Correct Answer: A weighting filter most closely matches how humans perceive sound

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What is the term for frequency filters that adjust the amplitude of all parts of the frequency spectrum of the sound or vibration?


Correct Answer: Frequency weightings

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