Correct Answer: Bond rating
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Future value. What an amount invested today (or a series of payments made over time) will be worth at a given time in the future using the compound interest method. This accounts for the time value of money. See also Present value.
Organizations that have a special designation because they provide goods or services that result in needed community benefit. In turn - such organizations are not required to pay most taxes. 2) The designation of an organization as one that is not
The changes in cash resulting from the normal operating activities of the organization.
The budget that projects the organization's cash inflows and outflows. The bottom line in the cash budget is the amount of cash available at the end of the period.
The revenue and expense budgets of an organization.
An organization whose profits can be distributed outside the organization and must pay taxes. Also called investor-owned organizations.
[Total Revenues/(Net Fixed Assets)]. This ratio measures the number of dollars generated for each dollar invested in an organization's fixed assets (i.e. plant and equipment).
Current year budget projected for the coming fiscal year assumes no program changes and adjust for price - workload - annualizations
The resources owned by the organization. It is one of the three major categories on the balance sheet.
(excess of revenues over expenses/total assets)- A measure of how much profit is earned for each dollar invested in assets. In for-profit organizations it is called return on assets and is calculated as: net income/assets.