Basics of Research Design MCQ

Which of the following is not an example of a source of archival research?


Correct Answer: Participant observations

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Someone who appears to be a participant but is actually working with the researcher is known as a(n) ______.


Correct Answer: Confederate

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Which of the following is a potential flaw of observational studies?


Correct Answer: Observer bias

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When does a pilot study happen?


Correct Answer: Before the main study is conducted

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Which of the following might be a concern when conducting a survey?


Correct Answer: Social desirability bias

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Which of the following is a potential flaw of interviews?


Correct Answer: All of these

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A type of probability sampling in which every single member of the population has an equal chance of being selected for the sample is known as ______.


Correct Answer: Simple random sampling

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When a researcher seeks out the full range of extremes in the population for representation in her sample, this is known as ______.


Correct Answer: Maximum variation sampling

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If you rely on participants to recruit other participants for you, you are likely using ______.


Correct Answer: Snowball sampling

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If you measure how long a person takes to wash his or her hands in a public restroom, you are measuring ______.


Correct Answer: Task completion time

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Pattern of change in prevalence over _____ is called trend


Correct Answer: Time

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The time it takes to complete a task is known as


Correct Answer: Task completion time

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Interviews or questionnaires in which participants report on their attitudes and behaviors is called survey research


Correct Answer: True

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Sub population is a portion or subgroup of the population.


Correct Answer: True

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All questions, follow-up ques-tions, and responses by the interviewer are determined beforehand to ensure that all the participants have a very similar experience is called structured reviews


Correct Answer: True

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A type of probability sampling that results in the sample representing key sub-populations based on characteristics such as age, gender, and called


Correct Answer: Stratified random sampling

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Participants may respond based on how they want to be perceived or what is socially acceptable is called non social desirability bias


Correct Answer: False

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______ is a type of probability sampling in which every single member of the population has an equal chance of being selected for the sample.


Correct Answer: Snowball sampling

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There is a set of core questions or topics that the interviewer will follow, but the interviewer may prompt for more information, ask fol-low-up questions, or clarify questions as the interviewer deems necessary is called Semi-structures interviews


Correct Answer: True

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Research data that were collected by one researcher or group but analyzed by a different researcher or group.


Correct Answer: Secondary data

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When some members of a population are overrepresented in the sample is known as


Correct Answer: Sampling bias

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The process by which a sample is selected is known as _____


Correct Answer: Sampling

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A subset of the population from which _____ are collected is called sample


Correct Answer: Data

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Reaction time is a time taken by participant to respond to a stimulus.


Correct Answer: True

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A numerical rating of a particular quality is called .


Correct Answer: Rating scale

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Random selection without replacement is a selected member of the population is removed from the pool of possible participants so that any member may be selected into the sample only once.


Correct Answer: True

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Random selection with replacement is a selected member of the population is returned to the pool of pos-sible participants so that any member may be selected into the sample more than once.


Correct Answer: True

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Random selectiob is a process of selecting a sample in which all members of a population or a subpopulation have an equal chance of being selected.


Correct Answer: True

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A type of nonprobability sampling that results in the sample representing key subpopulations based on characteristics such as age, gender, and ethnicity.


Correct Answer: Quota sampling

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________ sampling is a process of obtaining a study sample using random selection.


Correct Answer: Probability sampling

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Prevalence is a common or widespread behavior, attitude, characteristic, or condition is within a specific time period


Correct Answer: True

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The group that a researcher is interested in examining defined by specific characteristics such as resi-dency, occupation, gender, or age is called


Correct Answer: Population

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A preliminary study with a small sample to test measures and procedures is called pilot study


Correct Answer: True

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The researcher or observer becomes actively involved in the situation.


Correct Answer: Participant observation

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No attempts are made to hide the observation is known as ______


Correct Answer: Overt observation

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In ______the observers pay closer attention to behaviors that support their expectations or interpret behaviors in ways that support their expectations or lose their focus on the target behavior.


Correct Answer: Observer bias

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The extent to which those who were selected and participated in the study differ from those who were selected but did not participate is known as


Correct Answer: Non response bias

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Process of obtaining a study sample without using random selection is called


Correct Answer: Nonprobability sampling

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The researcher or observer is not directly involved in the situation is called participant observation


Correct Answer: False

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Naturalistic observation is observation that occurs in a natural environment or situation and does not involve interference by anyone involved in the research.


Correct Answer: True

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A detailed account of behaviors or responses is called narrative


Correct Answer: True

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A _________ strategy in which the researcher seeks out the full range of extremes in the population is called maximum variation sampling


Correct Answer: Nonprobability sam-pling

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The ______between stopping one task and begin-ning a new task is called latency


Correct Answer: Time

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______ is the interviewer may provide verbal or nonverbal cues that impact how the participant responds..


Correct Answer: Interviewer bias

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How long a behavior lasts is known as?


Correct Answer: Duration

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Covert Observations are made without the participants’ awareness


Correct Answer: True

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A type of nonprobability sam-ple made up of those volunteers or others who are readily available and willing to participate is called


Correct Answer: Convenience sampling

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The researcher sets up the sit-uation and observes how participants or subjects respond is called


Correct Answer: Contrived research

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A measure of how likely the _____ will fall within a stated confidence interval is. called confidence level


Correct Answer: Scores

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Confidence interval is an estimation of the range of val-ues within which the scores will fall (margin of error).


Correct Answer: True

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Someone who is working with the researcher but pretends to be a participant or bystander is called confederate


Correct Answer: True

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A type of probability sampling in which groups, or clusters, are randomly selected instead of individuals is called


Correct Answer: Cluster sampling

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Checklist is a list of qualities or behaviors that are checked if present.


Correct Answer: True

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Observers are not informed of the _______ in order to reduce observer bias is called blind observer.


Correct Answer: Hypotheses

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Analysis of existing data or records is called


Correct Answer: Archival research

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