Social Problems Quiz # 6

Quiz: Social Problems Quiz # 6
Subject: Work And The Economy
Total Questions: 30 MCQs
Time: 30 Minutes


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Social Problems Quiz # 6
Question 1 of 30
  • All of the following are associated with the Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees except

  • Which type of organization would be LEAST likely to support increasing the minimum wage?

  • There is no country in the world where women make the same as or more than men.

  • Many of the worker benefits advocated by early labor unions are now mandated through federal, state, or local labor laws.

  • There is no federal law prohibiting employment discrimination based on sexual orientation.

  • The U.S. Department of Labor was created in 1944.

  • Though employers report positive attitudes toward people with disabilities, actual hiring rates reveal an opposite tren

  • Which statement is NOT true about living wages?

  • In the United States, there is a __________ year gap in life expectancy between most and least advantaged populations.

  • Which feature of the Ebola outbreak supports the fact that there are inequities in the health care system?

  • The study of the patterns in the distribution and frequency of sickness, injury, and death and the social factors that shape them is called

  • Sara has had severe back pain for two weeks. She has missed classes and spends days lying in be Which part of the sick role is she NOT playing?

  • Conflict theorists argue that the primary value of our medical industry is

  • How is Pennsylvania's PACE program financed?

  • Which individual would be most likely to receive a lot of information about his or her diagnosis?

  • The country of __________ is ranked first on access to health care, while __________ is ranked first for health care quality.

  • Prior to the implementation of ACA, Americans reported that the primary reason for not being insured was

  • Which U.S. President vetoed a House bill that would have expanded CHIP?

  • The three leading causes of death for males and females are identical.

  • The higher one's level of education, the better one's health.

  • Community health centers have been called the most effective tool to reduce health disparities.

  • Medicine has shifted from a general practitioner model to a specialist model.

  • Which statement supports the idea that the media help create a collective consciousness?

  • According to the interactionist perspective, which event would be the most newsworthy in Norfolk, Virginia?

  • The digital divide refers to all of the following except

  • The digital divide is best described as a symptom of

  • According to research by Lazarus and Mora (2000), which type of online information would NOT be sought out by low-income Internet users?

  • According to the National Safety Council (2010), __________ of all traffic accidents involve talking and texting on cell phones.

  • The fundamental principle in American media is to attract an audience to sell to advertisers.

  • In 2006, Barbara Walters made history when she debuted as the first woman to solo anchor a major network newscast.