Social Problems Quiz # 31

Quiz: Social Problems Quiz # 31
Subject: Equality In Educational Opportunities
Total Questions: 30 MCQs
Time: 30 Minutes


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Social Problems Quiz # 31
Question 1 of 30
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a comprehensive special education law passed in ______, guaranteeing all students a “free and appropriate public education” tailored to their individual needs

  • Public schools that offer specialized programming and curricula—for instance a focus on science or the arts—to attract students from outside the immediate neighborhood. Magnets are often designed to draw White students into minority neighborhoods is known as

  • Schools that operate independently of most government funding and regulations. To attend private schools, students must apply and be accepted, agree to particular codes of conduct, and pay tuition is called

  • A _____ in which an institution delivers a relatively standardized curriculum is called Schooling

  • A web of policies, practices, and conditions that increase the likelihood of arrest and incarceration for low-income students of color is called. School-to-prison pipeline

  • A multi-billion-dollar industry that provides private educational services outside of formal schooling, including private tutoring, online courses, and cram sessions, which aim to improve students’ performance on coursework and tests is called

  • Status attainment is a theoretical perspective that interprets schools as society’s providers of access to the knowledge, skills, and credentials that people need to _______or find suitable, appropriate positions in society

  • The phenomenon of students losing academic gains over the summer, such that they return to school in the fall knowing less than they knew before summer break; also called summer setback or summer slide is called Summer learning loss

  • A U.S. government program that allocates federal aid to schools with large proportions of low-income students. Schools must use Title I funding to support at-risk students by implementing evidence-based practices that increase student achievement and parent involvement is called

  • Voucher programs are ublic education funding given to families to use toward private-school tuition

  • School discipline policies that require officials to issue quick and severe punishments for any student behavior interpreted as potentially threatening or dangerous is called Zero tolerance

  • Sometimes referred to as Obama Care; federal legislation that governs our health care system is called

  • Health conditions about which there is little or no consensus about their causes, symptomology, or treatment, which makes physicians reluctant to define them as physical illnesses is called Contested illnesses

  • This occurs when conditions that once were defined as a medical problem no longer are. One example of this is the demedicalization of homosexuality by the psychiatric community is called Demedicalization

  • When racial minorities get less adequate care than White patients do Is called Discriminatory medical practice

  • The study of how diseases spread is called

  • Areas where fresh food is not available is called

  • Areas with a high density of fast-food- and junk-food-selling outlets is called

  • Posits that socioeconomic status is a primary determinant of health across different social contexts is called

  • Physical, mental, and social well-being is called

  • Medicaid is a program that provides some health care coverage to those who are within a certain percentage of the poverty line or disabled (the specifics vary widely from state to state, as this is federal money administered by the individual states)

  • The process by which medical professionals take control of some aspect of human life. The medical community redefines an issue as one of being sick or being well. Is called

  • Program that provides some health insurance for people after they reach the age of _____ is known as Medicare

  • The study of how social position and behaviors affect health and illness is called Social epidemiology

  • Occurs when people are cut off from a larger social support structure is called

  • Governments controlled by people who achieve or hold on to power by undemocratic means is called Authoritarian regimes

  • The process through which leaders elected democratically amass greater power for themselves through undemocratic means is called Authoritarianization

  • A form of government in which leaders are elected by the people is called

  • The system of creating and exchanging goods and services is called

  • Falsehoods that are purposefully shared through news outlets is known as fake news