Social Problems Quiz # 25

Quiz: Social Problems Quiz # 25
Subject: Racism And Racial Inequalities
Total Questions: 30 MCQs
Time: 30 Minutes


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Social Problems Quiz # 25
Question 1 of 30
  • Material resources, including income, property, and wealth is called Economic capital

  • A cultural category marking shared traditions and communities, which may be based on religion, national origin, or other cultural practices is called Ethnicity

  • Gentrification is a process that occurs when wealthier (and therefore often whiter) people buy dilapidated homes in _________, thereby pushing out working class and poor communities (usually of color)

  • Laws established by former Confederate states that effectively guaranteed second-class citizenship for people of color, limiting the citizenship rights and emancipation that the 14th Amendment had provided is called Jim Crow Laws

  • Common, seemingly innocent statements or questions that reflect racial biases and perceptions about a group’s intelligence and worth is called

  • Individual biases and ______ that attribute characteristics to a group of people so that we prejudge group members is called Prejudice

  • A category of identity that is determined by the society that surrounds it; in the United States is called

  • The differential treatment of people based on their race is known as

  • Unearned advantages based on race is called

  • ___________ is using race to screen for problematic individual behaviors

  • _________ is the process of assigning people a race, along with the personality, behavioral, and social characteristics associated with that race, based on physical or cultural cues

  • A system of advantage and disadvantage based on race; these advantages and disadvantages exist because of institutional, historical, ideological, economic, and political forces is called

  • Policies that made the racial composition of a neighborhood a central variable in determining its value and therefore determining the eligibility for mortgage loans in those areas is called

  • Collective actions meant to influence social change is known as

  • Voter suppression is Efforts to limit the voting potential of a given population through indirect measures

  • When White families move after people of color move into their neighborhood, for fear of living by black and brown people or that their homes will lose much of their value when the neighborhood becomes racially integrated is called

  • A socially constructed concept that we learn through socialization within a specific culture; not something we innately are (like our sex) but something we do is called gender

  • Gender-based activism is _______ focused on various forms of gender inequality, ranging from interpersonal to institutional

  • The idea that there are only two categories of people: female-bodied feminine people and male-bodied masculine people is called

  • The dominant belief system about how gender should be organized and practiced is called

  • The enforcement of culturally accepted gender norms is known as

  • The process through which we learn gender norms and expectations is known as

  • _________ is the difference between the incomes of women and men who work year-round, full-time

  • _________ are social problems that have strong gendered patterns

  • The institutional barriers within a workplace hierarchy that prevent women from reaching upper-level positions is called

  • A term used to explain how when men enter female-dominated professions, like nursing, elementary education, social work, and library science, they experience advantages in pay, promotions, and support from colleagues and supervisors is known as

  • The idea that our social identities—particularly marginalized identities—intersect in important and consequential ways; also the recognition that many social structures interact to determine life chances is called Intersectionality

  • ________ is a form of organization, in which men have higher status than women, that provides the foundation from which societies create and maintain gender inequality

  • _________ is the dominance of pornographic imagery and values in popular culture; women are almost always the targets of pornified images.

  • A culture in which social norms, cultural practices, and social institutions condone men’s objectification of and access to women’s bodies is called