Social Problems Quiz # 20

Quiz: Social Problems Quiz # 20
Subject: Crime
Total Questions: 30 MCQs
Time: 30 Minutes


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Social Problems Quiz # 20
Question 1 of 30
  • A theory of crime that assumes all people are capable of committing crimes and that some are stopped by their strong bonds to society is called

  • Social Disorganization theory explains that links crime rates to neighborhood ecological characteristics: poverty, residential mobility, and racial heterogeneity

  • Problem-solving courts set up within local district courts to deal with social problems affecting the surrounding communities is called

  • A law or policy written to stop those who break laws from offending again is called Specific Deterrence

  • All individuals who have an interest in and are affected by the workings of a given system; in the criminal justice system, stakeholders include those accused of crimes as well as those who process cases, such as police, attorneys, and court and correctional staff is called Stakeholders

  • A theory of crime that posits individuals commit crimes because of the strains caused by the imbalance between socially accepted goals and the individuals’ inadequate means to achieve those goals is called

  • Violence perpetrated for political reasons by subnational groups or secret state agents, often directed at noncombatant targets and usually intended to influence an audience is called

  • Crimes that have effects across national borders are called ________ Crimes.

  • Addiction is a nonmedical term used to denote a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking, continued use despite harmful consequences, and long-lasting changes in the brain

  • An approach to drug policy aimed at providing education, prevention, and _________ is called demand reduction.

  • Any substance whose properties produce __________ changes when ingested is called Drug.

  • The use of psychoactive substances in a way that creates problematic outcomes for the user; also, the use of a substance in a way that is not as prescribed is called Drug Misuse.

  • The ingestion of substances so as to produce changes in the body that alter the way the user experiences the world is called

  • An approach to drug policy aimed at minimizing or eliminating the harms associated with drug use behaviors is Called

  • The decline and cessation of psychoactive drug use among younger people as they age into different social roles and responsibilities is called Maturing Out

  • A person’s cessation of a drug habit without the assistance of a drug treatment program is called

  • Substance Use Disorder is a medical diagnosis in the ________ characterized by symptoms such as impaired control, social problems, risky use, and/or drug effects such as tolerance or withdrawal

  • An approach to drug policy aimed at disrupting the manufacturing and distribution supply chains of drugs is called supply reduction

  • Drug-related abuse harm reduction programs that provide new syringes and/or linkages to drug treatment for people who inject drugs is called

  • Acclimation to drugs that builds up over time and may result in increased dosages or more potent forms of drug administration is called

  • War on drugs is a comprehensive policy first formulated by President Richard M. Nixon to address the drug problem in the _______ and significantly promoted by President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s.

  • The number of diagnoses of disease or other conditions in a given population at a designated time, usually expressed as a rate per 100,000 is called

  • The ability of a strong group in society to control the actions of subordinate groups is called

  • Social Gradient of Health describes the consistent finding that inequality and health are related, with those at the top of the social system being healthier and living longer than those at the bottom

  • Using the consumption of goods to display social status, like prominently carrying a designer handbag is called Conspicuous Consumption

  • Ecological dialogue is an approach to the environment and society that focuses on the interactions between aspects of human ______ relationships

  • Ecological Modernization explains the theory that society can become environmentally sustainable through the development of greener technologies and government regulations

  • The reduction or removal of access to environmental resources previously accessible, largely by a dominant group of beneficiaries is called Environmental Dispossession

  • An academic and social movement approach that explores and confronts the relationships between social structures and the unequal distribution of environmental harms and amenities is called

  • The exclusive access to coveted environmental amenities that results from the exercise of political, ______ and economic power is called Environmental Privilege