Social Problems Quiz # 11

Quiz: Social Problems Quiz # 11
Subject: Social Anxiety
Total Questions: 30 MCQs
Time: 30 Minutes


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Social Problems Quiz # 11
Question 1 of 30
  • When a person receives insults because they have a large body is known as

  • A characteristic that marks a person as dis­reputable in the eyes of others is called

  • The unease many people have that their bodies are too big is called

  • A medical chart that labels a person’s size relative to what doctors consider healthy is body mass index

  • Social construction of ____ is idea that people assign bodies of varying sizes and shapes unequal amounts of social worth

  • Unequal treatment people encounter simply for being overweight is size discrimination

  • ____ dream is the belief that hard work and self-discipline enable people to get ahead.

  • When a person acts in ways that confirm how others label them is self fulfilling property

  • Obesity is a medical condition affecting people with a body mass index exceeding ___

  • A harm that spreads rapidly across a larger and larger segment of people is called

  • Neighborhoods where the only available foods are at convenience stores or fast food restau­rants, both of which have few nutritious options is food deserts

  • ____ in the room is a major cause of a social problem that people often ignore.

  • ____ eating is a condition characterized by an irregular meal schedule, limited food intake, binging, or self-induced vomiting after eating.

  • Size acceptance activists are a group of people who aim to diminish the importance of weight to a person’s feelings of self-worth.

  • Using mobile devices to exchange sexually explicit photos and videos is known as sexting

  • Kids’ continuous exposure to provocative images as they’re growing up is sexualization of childhood

  • The loosening of public attitudes toward sex that began during the 1960s is sexual revolution

  • When a young heterosexual cou­ple quickly decides to marry after the girl becomes pregnant, as a way to avoid embarrassment over her having had premarital sex is ___ marriage

  • An understanding that there are certain things a person needs to do to achieve what our society defines as success is ___ class standards

  • The belief that hard work and self-discipline enable people to get ahead is american dream

  • The idea that girls and women deserve criticism for sexual behavior that is praiseworthy if carried out by boys or men is sexual double standards

  • School curricula that promote birth control as a way to avoid pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections is comprehensive sex education

  • Drugs that promote muscle growth by mimicking the effects of testosterone is ____ steriods

  • ____ are social conditions perceived to be problematic by groups of people.

  • ______ established Hull House, which sought to establish social reform for low- income immigrants.

  • Medicalization is a process by which a group of peo­ple experiencing the same health problem come to be seen as having a treatable disease.

  • ___ dream is the belief that hard work and self-discipline enable people to get ahead.

  • The murder of four or more people in succession with a firearm is mass shooting

  • Public mass shooting that receives significant publicity because it occurs in a place where anyone may happen to be at a given moment, such as a school, mall, workplace, restaurant, airport, theater, or house of worship

  • Incel is an online subculture of heterosexual males who see themselves as victims because of their involuntary celibacy.