OpenStack Quiz # 3

Quiz: OpenStack Quiz # 3
Total Questions: 30 MCQs
Time: 30 Minutes


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OpenStack Quiz # 3
Question 1 of 30
  • Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding OpenStack "Havana" release?

    1. The Image service of OpenStack can store images in a back—end Sheepdog cluster.

    2. Cinder cannot be used as a block-storage back-end for the image service of OpenStack.

    3. GridFS distributed f‌ile system cannot be supported by the Image service of OpenStack.

  • Which of the following components of Keystone is a group that can be used to isolate resources and/or users?

  • Which of the following OpenStack services provides endpoint(s) that can be used to access resources and perform operations?

  • Discovery, registration and delivery services for disk and server images are provided by which of the following OpenStack core projects?

  • Which of the following types of OpenStack storage is used to run operating system and scratch space?

  • Which of the following projects provides the Compute service in OpenStack?

  • The "Logical Volume Manager (LVM)" commodity storage back-end technology provides data replication.

  • Which of the following Nova schedulers is used to f‌ind the least loaded host?

  • Which of the following projects is NOT available in the OpenStack "Havana" release but was available in the earlier OpenStack release "Grizzly"?

  • In the OpenStack "Liberty" release, which of the following options is NOT available under the Compute tab on OpenStack dashboard?

  • In the OpenStack "Liberty" release, which of the following statements is incorrect regarding "Host aggregates"?

  • In the OpenStack "Liberty" release, which of the following options is NOT available under the Network tab on OpenStack dashboard?

  • Which Of the following authorization policies is/are handled by OpenStack Networking?

  • Which of the following components of Nova architecture is/are neither custom-written nor Python-based?

  • Which of the following options is a command-line utility for Red Hat Enterprise Linux in which Puppet modules are used to provide support for rapid OpenStack deployment on existing servers over an SSH connection?

  • In OpenStack, what is the function of the following Heat command?

    33 heat stack-show teststack

  • Which of the following components of the Orchestration service is responsible for the processing of API requests by sending them to a heat-engine over Remote Procedure Call (RPC)?

  • Horizon, the official OpenStack dashboard, is based on a Django module.

  • Which of the following options is a default Nova scheduler?

  • In the OpenStack "Liberty" release, which of the following options are available under the Identity tab on OpenStack dashboard?

  • Which of the following components were included in the f‌irst release of OpenStack?

  • Which of the following statements are correct regarding Block Storage in OpenStack "Havana" release?

  • Which Of the following statements are correct regarding OpenStack dashboard?

  • The OpenStack Identity Service enables users to perform which of the following tasks?

  • While administering Nova, what is/are the function(s) of the following command?

  • Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding OpenStack Horizon?

  • Which of the following quotas in OpenStack "Liberty" release are used with Compute service?

  • Which of the following disk formats is/are supported by Glance?

  • Under which of the following project names are Object Storage and Block Storage OpenStack Services offered?

  • Which of the following quotas in OpenStack "Liberty" release are used with Block Storage service?