Interdisciplinary Studies Quiz # 7

Quiz: Interdisciplinary Studies Quiz # 7
Subject: Thinking About Disciplinary Insights
Total Questions: 30 MCQs
Time: 30 Minutes


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Interdisciplinary Studies Quiz # 7
Question 1 of 30
  • Critical thinking is analysis and evaluation.

  • Data and methods are deemed valid if it is likely that similar results would be found if the study were replicated or performed again under similar conditions.

  • Two guidelines for critically analyzing a disciplinary work are its depth and breadth.

  • Perhaps the most common reason for lack of clarity is the author’s use of technical jargon.

  • An interdisciplinary approach to critical thinking about disciplinary work is extremely complex.

  • What are the four commonly used approaches to achieve integration?

  • Contextualization involves ______.

  • A limitation of the conceptualization approach is that it ______.

  • When a new product is sought, a new policy intervention, a new medical treatment, or a new response to an environmental concern, a good approach would be ______.

  • Interdisciplinary integration is ______.

  • The Broad Model subsumes the approaches of conceptualization and contextualization but not problem-centering.

  • Interdisciplinarians have developed four approaches to integration.

  • Contextualization is an approach used by humanists and those in the fine and performing arts to embed the object of study in the fabric of time, culture, and personal experience.

  • Redefinition involves mapping the different arguments made by different authors.

  • Theory extension involves placing seeming opposites along a continuum.

  • The Broad Model has ______ steps.

  • The first step in the Broad Model is to ______.

  • A sentence in your interdisciplinary research that includes a phrase such as “I am seeking to answer this question in order to . . . ” suggests that you are ______.

  • Domestic violence is a problem that would be suitable for interdisciplinary investigation because ______.

  • Disciplinary bias, disciplinary jargon, and personal bias are ______.

  • The Broad Model is the preferred research method of interdisciplinarians.

  • A good research question conveys the focus of the study in an easy-to-understand sentence or two.

  • Complexity is a key criterion that justifies discipline-specific research.

  • In general, the approach of interdisciplinary research is to study a particular phenomenon or process using one or two of the dozen or so specialized methods employed across the scholarly enterprise.

  • What are the first four steps in the Broad Model?

  • When conducting a literature review, you ______.

  • A sentence in your interdisciplinary research that includes a phrase such as “I am seeking to answer this question in order to . . . ” suggests that you are ______.

  • Skimming the disciplinary literature may guide you to narrow the focus of your research question. This is an action that should be performed as part of ______.

  • You identify Environmental Studies as a relevant discipline in your examination of the complex problem of climate change. Since this is an interdisciplinary field, you should ______.

  • Nodes are the important concepts or the phenomena under study.