Communication (Interpersonal) Quiz # 31

Quiz: Communication (Interpersonal) Quiz # 31
Subject: Conversations As Social Glue
Total Questions: 30 MCQs
Time: 30 Minutes


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Communication (Interpersonal) Quiz # 31
Question 1 of 30
  • The relatively informal social interaction in which the parties involved exchange the roles of sender and receiver, collaboratively and spontaneously is called a(n) ______.

  • What is usually the third step of the general five-stage conversational structure?

  • The ______ maxim says that we should try to avoid confusion by using terms the other party understands and providing background information.

  • Closed-ended questions allow the respondent to have free reign in answering.

  • When we speak and the other listens, without any conversational ebb and flow, it is called a ______.

  • The preservation of dignity is also referred to as ______.

  • Describing feelings and displaying feelings are the same thing.

  • Virtual reality can impact our emotions because of its ability to give us ______.

  • When we have an emotional response that is of limited duration lasting from seconds to hours and varying from mild to intense, it is called an emotional ______.

  • The inability to control an emotional response is called ______.

  • Face-saving is more important to individualistic cultures than it is to collectivistic ones.

  • ______ refers to the management of our emotions.

  • Media models, or the images that we see on television, in advertising, and in movies have the potential to affect our emotions.

  • We read emotions partly by mirroring facial expressions.

  • The inability to control an emotional response is called emotional ineptitude.

  • In general, people will lie more face-to-face than they would online.

  • ______ is a willingness to rely or depend on another person.

  • A black lie is a minor falsehood that is not meant to harm or injure anyone

  • Descriptive statements recount a person’s particular observable actions without labeling them good or bad, right or wrong.

  • When we use ______, we try to give ourselves a logical or reasonable explanation for our unrealistic pictures, thoughts, or feelings.

  • In a defensive climate, we often have a control orientation, whereas in a supportive climate, we often have a(n) ______ orientation.

  • ______ statements make it seem as if we are judging the other person.

  • Trusting behavior refers to behavior exhibited by another person that confirms our confidence.

  • A relationship based on deception is called a counterfeit relationship.

  • What theory explains that we work to sustain those relationships that give us the greatest total benefit?

  • To have persuasive power, one must be an expert on the topic or in the field.

  • Attitudes provide the basis for our beliefs.

  • A person who holds a position of power has legitimate power by virtue of that position.

  • ______ are ideas about what is important in our lives.

  • When you control something valued by someone else, you have ______ power.