Communication (Interpersonal) Quiz # 21

Quiz: Communication (Interpersonal) Quiz # 21
Subject: Perception And Social Experience
Total Questions: 30 MCQs
Time: 30 Minutes


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Communication (Interpersonal) Quiz # 21
Question 1 of 30
  • Indiscrimination is a perceptual barrier causing a person to emphasize similarities and -------- differences.

  • The process used to make sense of experience is called

  • The ------- to maintain the way one sees the world is perceptual constancy.

  • Perceptual sets are----------

  • Person based processing is not based on --------.

  • ----------- the viewpoint of another person is perspective talking.

  • A form of stereotyping attributed to --------- is called racial profiling.

  • Schemata is -------------.

  • The general ideas that individuals have about per­sons and situations and how things should play out are called ----------.

  • Focusing on one cue while ignoring others is

  • Selective exposure is practice of -------- oneself to people and messages that confirm one’s existing beliefs, values, or attitudes.

  • The aspect of perception which enables individuals to see, hear, and believe only what they want to.

  • Standpoint Theory influences the accuracy of one’s perception of ______ life.

  • Social Identity Model of Deindividuation Effects is a theory that states each individual has

  • Self-Serving Bias is the overemphasizing of _________ fac­tors as influences on one’s behavior.

  • The recalling of things that rein­force one’s thinking is called ___________.

  • Stereotypes are Rigid perceptions that are applied to all members of a group

  • A theory that states that individuals learn more about each other by monitoring their social environment

  • A bias we are unaware that we harbor is known as

  • Listening engaged in for pleasure is called

  • __________ is the willingness to organize and focus on particular stimuli.

  • ______________ is Listening engaged in to gain knowledge.

  • Deliberative Listening is Listening that involves working to _______and assess content.

  • Listening that involves give-and-take is known as

  • Listening that involves understand­ing and internalizing the emotional content of a message is called

  • Empathetic Responsiveness is a listener’s experience of an ____ response.

  • Feedback that reveals one’s feelings or reactions to what one heard is known as.

  • Hearing is an involuntary physiological response in which sound waves are transformed into ______ impulses.

  • HURIER Model is model related to

  • “I” messages are ------------ form of feedback.