Communication (Interpersonal) Quiz # 11

Quiz: Communication (Interpersonal) Quiz # 11
Subject: Communicating In Close Relationships
Total Questions: 30 MCQs
Time: 30 Minutes


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Communication (Interpersonal) Quiz # 11
Question 1 of 30
  • Comparing the costs and rewards of a current relationship to the possibility of doing better in a different relationship is called Comparison level for alternatives

  • Skills applied to correct a relational problem is called Corrective maintenance or repair

  • Those things in relational life that people judge as negative is called

  • A strategy for dealing with dialectic tensions by featuring the oppositions at alternating times is called cyclic alternation

  • Stage 1 of Knapp’s Coming Apart Model, it’s when the partners highlight their differences and individuality is called

  • A strategy for dealing with dialectic tensions that allows people to cope with tensions by exempting certain issues from the general pattern.

  • A systems principle stating that systems have the ability to achieve the same goals (or ends) by a variety of means is called

  • Stage 2 of Knapp’s Coming Together Model, it’s when people become acquainted by gathering information about one another is called

  • Tensions that occur because of how partners negotiate the more public aspects of their relationship is called

  • A systems principle stating that smaller systems are embedded in larger systems is called

  • A quality of online relationships resulting from participants’ ability to strategically present themselves, highlighting their positive qualities.

  • An external dialect revealing the tension between an idealized vision of the relationship and the real relationship that one has.

  • When one partner plays the parts of both partners in a mental rehearsal of the communication they expect their partners will exhibit.

  • Stage 1 of Knapp’s Coming Together Model; it’s when two people notice one another and indicate to each other that they are interested in making contact.

  • Stage 4 of Knapp’s Coming Together Model, it’s when the partners form a clear identity as a couple is known as

  • Stage 3 of Knapp’s Coming Together Model, it’s when the relationship deepens in intimacy is called

  • A systems principle that says members of systems depend on each other and are affected by one another is called

  • Tensions that occur because of how the partners communicate with one another is called

  • A dialectic found in friendships that involves the competing desires of criticizing a friend and accepting them is called Judgment and acceptance dialectic

  • An attraction that makes us want to continue a relationship over time and sustains and maintains relationships is called long term attraction

  • Communicating about communication is called

  • In Systems Theory, feedback that maintains the status quo is called

  • Finding out information about a person from a third party is called

  • Neutralizing is a strategy for dealing with dialectic tensions that involves compromising between the two oppositions.

  • A primary dialectic that manifests in our simultaneous desires for excitement and stability is called Novelty and predictability dialectic

  • Putting yourself in a good position for another to approach you is called

  • A primary dialectic that focuses on our desire to self-disclose our innermost secrets to a friend, while also wanting to keep quiet to protect ourselves from the chance that our friend will somehow use the information against us is called Openness and protection dialectic

  • In Systems Theory, feedback that produces change is called

  • When both partners pay attention to the relationship even when it’s not experiencing trouble is called preventative maintenance

  • An external dialectic centering on how much of the friendship is demonstrated in public and what parts are kept private is called