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Managing in a Global Environment MCQ

__________ is the extent to which people feel secure and unworried.


Correct Answer: Emotional Stability

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Parochialism is a tendency to ________.


Correct Answer: View the world solely through one's own eyes and perspectives

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Multidomestic corporations reflect the ________.


Correct Answer: Polycentric attitude

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Transnational organizations are also known as ________.


Correct Answer: Borderless organizations

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Luis is a manager with a high ______. In his role, he works with employees from different cultures and uses his strengths and previous training to build confidence in real-life situations.


Correct Answer: Cultural intelligence

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Edward asked for a day off from work that was considered a religious holiday based on his ______.


Correct Answer: Culture

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According to the GLOBE Cultural Dimensions, asking a question about ______ would align with the construct of in-group collectivism.


Correct Answer: Relationships with aging parents

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Emma, originally from France, has been living and working in the United States for the past two years. She is referred to as an ______, even though she has no plans to return home to France to work.


Correct Answer: Expatriate

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Cultural intelligence is comprised of four dimensions. A person with a high ______ is self-aware and can easily see different cultural patterns.


Correct Answer: Cognitive CQ

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Countries with high ______ have many rules and laws, and more social controls than other countries.


Correct Answer: Cultural tightness

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Countries that have high ______ as a cultural value put an emphasis on people, including how they care for others and their quality of life, over material things.


Correct Answer: Relationship orientation

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Luke was about to get on a call with a new CEO from Canada. Before the call, Luke brushed up on his hockey knowledge because he was operating on the ______ that all Canadians like hockey and he wanted to make a good first impression!


Correct Answer: Stereotype

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Coca-Cola is an example of a ______ since it operates primarily out of the United States, but also has facilities producing and distributing their product in other countries.


Correct Answer: Multinational corporation

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Todd prepared for weeks for his meeting in another country. Once he got there, Todd experienced ______ when he got off the plane and realized that he could not read the signs or use the local mass transit system.


Correct Answer: Culture shock

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Amy is well known for her ______. She can influence others that are different from her and has always successfully managed people from other cultures.


Correct Answer: Global mindset

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Even though Linda was managing in another country, because of her ability to ______, she was always seen as a strong expatriate manager.


Correct Answer: Collaboratively negotiate

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Although hard to define, ______ is best described as a person’s way of doing things that we can see, as well as things unseen, such as what things one values.


Correct Answer: Culture

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Ron values his ______ and has always felt that he is a high performing employee who sees himself as an equal to his supervisor, Sally.


Correct Answer: Low power distance

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When Tim returned to his home country after being away for 10 years, he experienced ______ because so many changes occurred while he was gone, and many of his co-workers were now his supervisors.


Correct Answer: Reverse culture shock

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Melissa is known on her team as the ______, or the one who always offers a brand-new idea that is out of the box.


Correct Answer: Innovator

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Larry worked in the research department of a large pharmaceutical company. He likes his work, and his team, but feels like he is ultimately responsible for his own goals, as he does not interact with his team that often. Measuring Larry’s ______ will help the organization determine if his team is effective.


Correct Answer: Affective reactions

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Once Mario joined the team, he brought with him great leadership, and the ______ of the entire team changed and their performance rose.


Correct Answer: Synergy

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A group of people can be considered a ______ only if they share common goals, work together, and depend on each other to achieve these long-term goals.


Correct Answer: Team

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Rodney recently joined a ______ where the entire team has managerial responsibilities for their own work and control their own output.


Correct Answer: Self-managing work team

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Joe was a firm believer in ______. He had a lot of success with taking groups with differing views and having them come up with their own solutions to a problem. Then the group comes together to present, debate, and defend their findings. The groups do not always come to a consensus, but useful ideas are always expressed.


Correct Answer: Dialectical inquiry

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Maryn was dreading her upcoming group assignment. Adam was on her team, and even though he was a star employee, whenever it came down to a group assignment, he experienced ______ and would always reduce the productivity of the team!


Correct Answer: Social loafing

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Linda needed the ______ of the group in order to move forward with a decision, otherwise it could not be implemented.


Correct Answer: Consensus

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Lisa is meeting with her team later to work on establishing their team roles and norms. This is the ______ stage of the five-stage model of team development.


Correct Answer: Norming

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Nadine is a new employee. Recently she became part of a ______ that was led by her manager. She liked this arrangement because she was able to receive a lot of information that helped her make good decisions and do good work.


Correct Answer: Working group

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For a team goal to be successful, it should be SMART, or specific, ______, actionable, relevant, and time-based.


Correct Answer: Measurable

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Sarah was in a design meeting that was not going well. Anytime a decision must be made, most of the attendees were making all the decisions and not letting anyone else offer an option that was not aligned with their views. This ______ was not allowing everyone to have a voice.


Correct Answer: Groupthink

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Andrea is a remote worker and currently lives in Australia. Her team is ______ and lives all over the world. They communicate daily via email, skype, and videoconferencing!


Correct Answer: Virtual

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Nate was recently promoted and is in the process of building a project team. He knows the tasks that are assigned to his team, but Nate must also ______ in order to support his team and drive success.


Correct Answer: Provide maintenance functions

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Abby has many teams that work for her. She used to find it impossible to know what each team’s goals and work processes were, until each team created their own ______ to document their overall purpose and team norms.


Correct Answer: Team charter

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______ objectives are a reference to the portion of a financial report that shows net profit or loss.


Correct Answer: Bottom line

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The first step in stakeholder management for an organization is stakeholder ______.


Correct Answer: prioritization

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Good budgets must account for ______ and controlling.


Correct Answer: planning

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A/an ______ budget challenges employees to achieve a target that is higher than predicted.


Correct Answer: stretch

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Income statements are also known as ______ or operating statements.


Correct Answer: profit and loss

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A cost center in an organization spends money while a/an ______ center makes money.


Correct Answer: revenue

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Which formula expresses net profit?


Correct Answer: revenue – expenses = net profit

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The deliberate under-estimation of revenue or exaggeration of expenses is known as ______.


Correct Answer: budgetary slack

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A special order is a/an ______.


Correct Answer: one-time customer order

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______ refers to how well managers use budgets to monitor and control operations and costs.


Correct Answer: Top-level accounting

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A ______ resource is a resource that is limited in amount.


Correct Answer: constrained

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Ron values his ______ and has always felt that he is a high performing employee who sees himself as an equal to his supervisor, Sally.


Correct Answer: low power distance

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Even though Linda was managing in another country, because of her ability to ______, she was always seen as a strong expatriate manager.


Correct Answer: collaboratively negotiate

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Luis is a manager with a high ______. In his role, he works with employees from different cultures and uses his strengths and previous training to build confidence in real-life situations.


Correct Answer: cultural intelligence

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Describes things repeatedly attributed to one group of people, often _____ is known as Stereotype.


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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People who choose to go abroad are known as?


Correct Answer: Self Initiated Expatriates

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The realization that time has moved on and things have not stood still while an expatriate was away from home is known as culture Shock.


Correct Answer: False

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Reentry to the organization after the expatriate assignment is called Repatriation.


Correct Answer: True

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A preliminary model of something is called Prototype.


Correct Answer: True

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A corporation that has facilities and other assets in at least one country other than its home country is called?


Correct Answer: Multinational Corporation

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Persistence and goal-setting for cross-cultural interactions is called?


Correct Answer: Motivational CQ

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Refers to the cognitive processing necessary to recognize and understand expectations appropriate for different cultural situations is known as?


Correct Answer: Metacognitive CQ

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Cultures in which written and spoken words are the primary vehicles for communication are known as?


Correct Answer: Low-Context Cultures

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Cultures that rely heavily on situational cues for meaning when perceiving and communicating with others is known as?


Correct Answer: High-Context Cultures

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The development of a global scale of _____ is known as Globalization.


Correct Answer: All of these

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A set of individual attributes that enhance a manager’s ability to influence others who are different from them is called?


Correct Answer: Global Mindset

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Globe project is a large-scale study of cultural differences, which explored differences in _____ outcomes worldwide.


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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When a person who has citizenship in at least one country is living in another country is called Expatriation.


Correct Answer: True

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A person who lives inside the country in which they were born is known as Expatriate.


Correct Answer: False

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The disorientation people may feel when experiencing a new cultural environment is known as Culture shock.


Correct Answer: True

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The unstated way of doing things is called culture.


Correct Answer: True

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The strength of social norms and the level of sanctioning within societies is known as?


Correct Answer: Cultural Tightness-Looseness

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Associated with order and efficiency, conformity, and low rates of change is known as?


Correct Answer: Cultural Tightness

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Associated with social disorganization, deviance, innovation, and openness to change is known as?


Correct Answer: Cultural Looseness

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The ability to function and manage effectively in culturally diverse settings is known as?


Correct Answer: Cultural Intelligence CQ

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Self-awareness and the ability to detect cultural patterns is known as?


Correct Answer: Cognitive CQ

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The ability to adjust to the cultural practices of others is known as?


Correct Answer: Behavioral CQ

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